April 15-21


For this week's observational homework I would like you to take a walk around your neighborhood and think about three things you find beautiful and really like about the natural beauty around us and one thing you think could improve the natural beauty of our neighborhood. 

Monday April 22 is Earth Day and Friday April 26 is Abor Day. 
We are going to celebrate both days in school on Friday April 26th and in the school garden on April 28th. 
Please RSVP for our garden day on April 28th on the homepage of this website! 

Share your observtions from your walk and make some suggestions on how we could celebrate Earth Day or Arbor Day here!
4/11/2013 06:23:11 am

i saw little blue flowers
i saw a cherry blossum tree and on the cherry blossum tree were pink flowers
a smooth thing around the block was a tullip
a rough thing was a dryed daphildill

4/15/2013 07:31:29 am

I saw a dandelion;it was yellowish brown.I noticed that its petals were wrinkled because it had'nt been watered very recently.I also saw some plants I never seen before.It was greener than the plants around it.I figured it might be poison ivy,so I did'nt touch it.And,for they always bloom in this time of the year,I saw dianthus everywhere.Many had purple tips.And,I don't have a single thing to improve about this neighborhood except this add more trees!!!

4/16/2013 10:18:02 am

what is a dianthus?

4/16/2013 12:17:05 pm

A dianthus is a flower with pointy tips,if your question was that general.

4/16/2013 12:27:34 pm

Today I took another walk.Guess what I saw?Of course,the cherry bloosoms!!!They were in the back of the church on 43rd street,and in front of PIC.They were so pretty!!!

4/16/2013 09:36:30 am

I saw multicolored tulips. They were red and yellow. Something else I saw was a row of trees in front of CVS. They all had white petals. The last thing I saw was five gardens on Walnut Street planted the same way. They all had shrubs shaped like a horseshoe on the outside, flowers inside and a tree in the middle.

To make our neighborhood better I would like to have bigger gardens and more trees around. I think we should plant more trees and flowers in the neighborhood for Arbor Day.

4/16/2013 10:14:14 am

I like the colorful flowers and I also like the trees. My favorite is the very tall berry tree. I really like the sky with all of the clouds and the lines that the airplanes make. I do not like the trash on the ground on some blocks. Also, on some blocks, there are not enough trees. On those blocks we should plant some more trees. On the corner of the block we can see a solar powered traffic light. I also like the beautiful sunset that has a little bit of purple and a little bit of yellow.

4/16/2013 12:19:51 pm

What type of berry grows on your favorite berry bush?

4/16/2013 12:30:58 pm

Also,if the bush was that tall,I would call that a young berry tree,instead of a bush.

4/16/2013 12:33:11 pm

But I like that idea,anyways.

4/17/2013 05:19:06 am

The different color flowers in the front yards. The trees blossoming. People planting vegetable gardens. Less litering

4/17/2013 09:20:55 am

I saw three things that are really beautiful. What I saw first was a magnificent, huge, giant evergreen towering in front of me. Second, I saw flowers that are very small they look like they just came up. Third I saw a tree that looks like a layer of its trunk has come off. Now I can see daffodils sprouting from the ground. One thing that could improve the natural beauty of the block is that people should stop littering. I saw chip bags, used paper towels and tissues, and some cups.

We could celebrate Earth Day by having a block clean up and going around and picking up litter. We could do a school block clean up since we all live on different blocks. We really need a city clean up. To get the whole city cleaned up without using any gas, we could ride bikes to different areas. We could send an email to other people on the block, then they could email more people, and those people could email more people, and we could spread the news about having a city clean up.

4/17/2013 10:35:34 am

the daffodils in my neighborhood are beutiful same with the trees and the animals such as brds and squirrels.The things around me are growing faster than I thought they grow such as are petunia`s and bushes.

4/17/2013 10:40:59 am

oh by the way to help the earth i`ll pick up trash and I`ll reduce reuse and recycle.

4/18/2013 06:48:48 am

1. The beauty of our neighborhood is mica,the variety of flowers,trees
(the flowers).
2 X.Littering is bad for plants and animals.

4/18/2013 07:10:24 am

I saw three beautiful things. The first one was some tulips in my neighbor's garden. When I left for school. they were still in their buds and when I got home, they had bloomed. They are bright red and they seem like they have little black flowers inside them and a yellow triangle. There are 45 of them.
The next beautiful thing is the camellia in our yard. It blooms about one or two inches a day, and it is just starting to drop its flowers a little. The blooms are pink , and they look like roses except a little wider, and there are a lot of them. Tons.
The next beautiful thing is the bleeding heart next to the camellia. They look like hearts that are bleeding. We have a bush of pink ones and a bush of white ones. The pink ones have pink hearts and white droplets, and the white ones have white hearts and white droplets. I think the droplets are always white.
I think I could beautify my neighborhood by planting a few more trees and picking up litter because sometimes when I walk outside, I see plastic bags and other trash scattered along the sidewalk.

4/18/2013 09:19:41 am

I saw three beautiful things. The first thing was a brown bird. The second thing was a squirrel squeaking. The third thing was yellow dandelions.

I want to encourage people not to litter because it makes pollution. The dandelions had trash around it. It doesn't feel right to me.

4/18/2013 09:53:08 am

I saw a beautiful red bird on top of a tree. I tried copying its song and it sang back. I googled it up with my mom and found that it was a male cardinal which can sing more than 2 dozen songs!
I also noticed a weeping willow tree, which I thought looked really nice.
I also always stop and notice the garden in the corner of 42nd Spruce street. It has a tree which is 100 years old named Franklinia with seeds planted by John Bartram dedicated to his good friend Ben Franklin.

For Earth Day, I wish we could plant more trees, pick up litter and stop pollution.

4/18/2013 10:49:44 am

Outside my house are squirrels, grass, trees, flowers like pink daisy and pink tulips and purple tulips red little tulips and more . . . , bushes, some times trash. But to celebrate Earth Day is to plant trees, bushes, flowers, and most of all to stop littering!

4/18/2013 02:09:04 pm

I like the magnolia tree across the street at 43rd and locust. I like the purple flowers in the garden across the street from my house. I like the pink tulips on 43rd and spruce. My neighborhood would look better if everyone cleaned up after there pets.

119 B
4/20/2013 11:13:28 am

I saw cherry blossoms.
I saw green leaves on the trees.
I hard birds tweeting.
I wish there would be more space for plants around here.

4/20/2013 11:00:00 pm

1.I think Tulips are pretty.
2.Magnolia tree flowers blossoming are great views.
3.Leaves are nice to.

Cleaning up leaves and trash would improve my neighborhood.

4/21/2013 10:24:43 am

What I like is our Dog wood tree's white blossoms, red tulips in our neighbor's yard, and the pink blossoms on a cherry tree across the street.

One thing that would improve the natural beauty of our neighborhood is if people would not snip off flowers from other peoples yards.

4/21/2013 08:34:50 pm

I walked with my mom. We liked the sound of chirping birds, pretty pink trees, and flowers blooming. We thought it would be improved if there was not so much litter.

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