To all PAS students:
This summer if you go on a hike let our community of naturalist hear about your experiences.

Some hiking tips:
1. Find good information about the hiking trail 
2. Scale the hike appropriately to age and skill of hikers
3. Remember shoes are the basic element wear well fitting closed shoes  
4. Bring along protection, wear sunscreen and hats
5. Take water and snacks
6. Respect the outdoors, stay on trails and leave everything the way you found it.
Happy hiking!

Tommy Moore
7/10/2013 12:28:18 am

I was on vacation in Kentucky lake and found a frog on one of the chairs. I think it's a tree frog but I'm not sure. It has brown eyes. It's pupils are horizontal. I hope you like my report. Tommy (grade 3)

Science Teacher
7/10/2013 03:04:54 am

Hi Tommy,
Thank you for sharing your experience. Do you remember the tadpoles in class, well one finally grew back legs. Hopefully I'll be able to bring them in as frogs in September. Glad your having a nice summer traveling!

8/16/2013 01:24:18 am

I went on a vacation at Watkins Glen New York. We saw lots of water falls and trees on the hiking trail called The Gorge Trail. The trail connected to the side of a cliff so you could look down at the river. There were a lot of stone bridges going over water falls so you could get a closer look while going over to the other side. There was fungus growing everywhere. Now to talk about the gorge,Im pretty sure it was made by water wearing away the rocks. The cliff that the trail was on was made of layers of rock, iron and other kinds of metal.

ari mandell
8/17/2013 11:12:59 pm

i went to the finger lakes and i went on a trail where you were supposed to find birds but i found snails and rabbits

10/4/2013 11:16:21 am

thank's for your information ad ai like your post


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    June 2013

